Leg Physical Therapy
Leg Physical Therapy Treatment
One-On-One, Hands-On Care. Long-term, Effective Leg Pain Relief
Leg Pain Treatment
Leg pain is extremely common and can be triggered by a variety of issues including joint injuries and compressed nerves. Unless cause of your leg pain is something obvious, such as a fall, it will require a comprehensive evaluation to pinpoint the root cause.
Ankle, knee, calf and shin pain are commonly linked to leg pain. In many cases, leg pain can actually start from an issue in your lower back/spine. Sciatica and spinal stenosis, the narrowing of your spinal canal, both originate in the lower spine and the pinched nerves radiates down your leg leading to leg pain. If your leg pain is due to a musculoskeletal issue, our PTs can help you gain leg pain relief.
Signs & Symptoms
Identifying the causes of leg pain can be multifactorial. The symptoms of various leg pain conditions may present the same, but the appropriate treatment for leg pain will depend on the underlying cause.
Common symptoms:
• Pins and needles
• Numbness
• Weakness
• Sharp pain in back of leg
• Muscle spasms
• Difficulty with walking
• Burning, sharp or dull pain radiating down the leg
Why Physical Therapy
Addressing leg pain involves a multi-faceted approach to treatment. A full leg and back assessment is needed to get to the root of your leg pain. A physical therapist looks for weaker links in your back and leg and assesses your leg’s range of motion to put together a plan of action on how to treat your condition. During your first visit, your PT will look at the state of your tissues, joints, and spinal alignment while collecting baseline measurements of your range of motion, mobility, flexibility, and levels of pain.
- Manual therapy to massage and mobilize joints in the lower spine and leg areas, increase muscle flexibility and reduce any swelling.
- Custom exercises to muscle region and restore muscle strength in strained muscle.
- Run/gait analysis to improve form and prevent future injuries.
About Therapydia
Better Physical Therapy Experience
At Therapydia, our physical therapists offer one-on-one, hands-on leg treatment. You’ll spend your entire with one of our expert therapists – we won’t hand you off to a PT assistant or aide. With our manual therapy techniques and custom exercise programs, we’ll help you strengthen your hip musculature and correct your mechanics to get rid of your leg pain. We’ll help you understand what’s causing your pain, what you can do to relieve your pain and ways to prevent reoccurring injuries.
Best of all, you’re covered. Oregon is a Direct Access state, meaning you can see a physical therapist without a doctor’s prescription. Therapydia works with and provides billing for most insurance groups and Medicare. We also accept cash payments.
- Lifetime Wellness
- Hands-On-Care
- Quality Treatment
Schedule Your Appointment
Start your physical therapy treatment with Therapydia
Appointment Request
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(503) 477-4802 (Portland)
(503) 387-6081 (Lake Oswego)
(971) 727-8155 (Beaverton)
(971) 703-4524 (Pearl)